Accessible Customer Service Plan
Providing Goods and Services to People with Disabilities
McKinlay Funeral Homes Ltd. is committed to excellence in serving all customers, including people with disabilities.
Assistive Devices
We will ensure that our staff are trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our goods and services. We will allow wheelchairs, canes, walkers, crutches, and oxygen tanks in all public areas of our facilities. We will also ensure that parking space(s) are reserved for persons with disabilities. Due to the diversity of religious groups served at our facilities, candles/incense may be present in the building.
We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. A printed copy of this policy is available at each of our locations, and can also be found posted online on our website at
Service Animals
We welcome people with disabilities and their service animals. Service animals are permitted in all public areas of our premises.
Support Persons
A person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to have a person accompany them on our premises. Fees will not be charged for support persons.
Notice of Temporary Disruption
In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services or facilities for customers with disabilities during funeral services, memorial services, visitations, pre-need and at-need arrangements, receptions, seminars, and tours, McKinlay Funeral Homes Ltd. will notify customers promptly. This clearly posted notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, and its anticipated length of time, and a description of alternate facilities or services, if available. The notice will be posted at McKinlay Funeral Home, 76 Main St. E., Ridgetown/459 St. Clair St., Chatham/141 Park St., Blenheim as needed and online at
Training for Staff
McKinlay Funeral Homes Ltd. will provide training to employees, volunteers, and others who deal with the public or other third parties on their behalf. Individuals in the following positions will be trained:
Managers, all classes of funeral directors, funeral director assistants, receptionists, office administration staff, reception centre staff, co-operative education students.
This training will be provided to staff within 90 days of joining this organization.
Training will include:
• An overview of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the customer service standard
• McKinlay Funeral Homes Ltd.’s plan related to the customer service standard
• How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities
• How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or support person
• How to use the wheelchairs, hearing enhancement devices available on-site
• What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing McKinlay Funeral Homes Ltd.’s goods and services
Staff will also be trained when changes are made to our plan.
Feedback Process
Customers who wish to provide feedback on the way McKinlay Funeral Homes Ltd. provides goods and services to people with disabilities can provide comments verbally to the location Manager, by dropping off written comments in person to a staff member at any of our locations, by mail to any of our locations, by telephone to the location Manager, or via email at
All feedback will be directed to Nathan McKinlay, Managing Director, McKinlay Funeral Homes Ltd. Customers can expect to receive a response within 10 business days.
Modification to this or other policies
Any policy of McKinlay Funeral Homes Ltd. that does not respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities will be modified or removed.

Grief Support
The death of someone we care about can be one of the most difficult experiences in life. These articles are meant to describe different types of grief; their intent is to help you understand your own, or to help you empathize with another person's grief.

Our Locations
McKinlay Funeral Homes is pleased to offer services from locations in Ridgetown, Blenheim, and Chatham. We have a wide range of services available in these communities. Please click on the link below for more information about these facilities.

Send Flowers
Our local florists are committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements, and are backed by their professionalism and prompt service. Allow us to take care of your expression of sympathy by connecting with our local florists through our website.

Let Us Help You
Please feel free to browse our pages to learn more about pre-planning a funeral and grief support, as well as the traditional funeral and cremation services that we have to offer. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at anytime, we are available by phone or e-mail, or drop by the office in person. We are always here to help.